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Ps 7468a Form: What You Should Know

Cost Statement (CS Form 7517), both published to the public in the Federal Register (FR). We'll use them both here. The first is the main tool used to determine the price of a given piece of work—a piece of construction—which has no price tag attached to it. The second is, as the name implies, a cost report for government agencies used to determine costs for public works. The latter, the Cost Statement (CS Form 7517), does have a price attached to it, but the official price (or, more often, a cost-based price, which in the context of our discussion is a price, not a cost), is contained in the “Contracts and Agreements” section of the worksheet. This means that, if the cost estimate from the CS Form 7517 cannot be converted into a price, which it can't without making a mistake, it doesn't mean that the estimate and its price don't match up. The CS Form 7517 and its cousins, the PS and CS, are the products of the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer and are intended for use by a variety of agencies, including the Department of Transportation. They are written by the OCP's Office of Engineering and Technology, so that's what we're dealing with here. But since it's a technical document, we'll go through the worksheet in three parts. We'll start off, and examine some elements in the “Contracts and Agreements” sheet of the PS Form 7468A: “Contracts” refers to one or more “proposals” submitted by the contracting party (the federal government) with which the OCP is attempting to secure a federal contract (“solicitation”). It means that a federal contractor may submit (and be required by the government to submit, under Section 1702(a) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation) a solicit, specifying all the bids or offers that the contracting party considers to be superior to the submitted bid or offers. “Soliciting” means that the soliciting party (the federal government contracting party) is submitting one of its “proposals”. As to the “proposals” the contract itself, the OCP uses the term “Proposal” (PS Form 7468A) to refer to the entire contract proposal form presented by the contracting party.

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