So I decided to go over a fake money order and how to tell its fake we've got address online my wife's wedding dress online for 500 bucks they send us a money order for close to a thousand but they didn't send me just one they actually sent me two for the exact same amount 4000 bucks whoever this Karen band roof is just let you all know this is her address I really hope the cops can find her whatever okay I'm supposed to cash this and then she's given me a whole nother name and address in email so be careful what you're doing on Craigslist because you will get scammed that's exactly what they were trying to do here with scam us 500 bucks with address here's $2,000 wire the rest of it now I don't know about you guys but I don't even like buying something for 500 bucks and asking somebody and mail it to me let alone handing them $500 I've never even seen them and just trust them to send it okay so that was my first clue second clue as I got a money order for way too much money and then my third clue was I got to money orders for way too much money so I just wanted to go over the the security features of a money order there's one that you can do in a backlight which I don't know about another one there's actually if you go to or whatever kay for the United States Postal Service you can grab that number right there the serial number and that's going to tell you whether it's a fake or not now I imagine these were bought at the same time alright so here's another clue the...
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How to check if a usps money order has been cashed Form: What You Should Know
PS Form 6401 — Money Order Inquiry Social Security number, If your tax information is missing, you'll be referred to your credit card company. You'll be asked to fill out the form and then mail it to the post office in person. The Postal Service will Complete a U.S. Mail Return Envelope. When you return a mail returned by the mail, the Postal Service will complete a U.S. Mail Return Envelope and give the return back to you by mail within 5 days. This is because of mail and package privacy laws. Your return address must be the same as the post office where you returned the mail. How to Check to See if a Money Order Was Paid In Full. Ask the person who posted the order to pay the full amount. There are no fees for this service. If you do not get a response, request that the person who sent a money order Pay the remainder of the bill. When you ask him/her for the rest of the money or he/she tries to pay the remainder, write “I Refuse” on the label of the money order and send it back to the sender. Be prepared to explain the consequences of failure to pay. For example, the money order holder might be sued for the amount sent. How to Check to See if a U.S. Postal Money Order Was Cashed. After completing and mailing PS Form 6401, the Postal Service will complete a U.S. Mail Return Envelope and give the return back to you by mail within 5 days. Postal Service officials don't accept return addresses unless mailed directly to the money order holder as stated in the PS Form 6401 form. The reason is that postal officials receive numerous suspicious mail returns including cash, checks and checks that were not cashed and may be sent under false pretences and the money order holder may be sued, but is unlikely to be sued for the full amount of a money order. When you ask the person who posted a money order to pay the full amount, write “I Refuse” on the label of the money order and send it back to the sender after filling out the information on the return envelope with his/her information. When you complete PS Form 6401, the Postal Service will return the money to the sender after it is cashed. You are responsible for returning the original return envelope.
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