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Usps pick up package at post office Form: What You Should Know

USPS Schedule A Pickup — FAQ USPS requires that a USPS.com account be established in order to submit to a Pickup service agreement. If you do not already have a USPS.com account, you may be charged a 15 monthly non-refundable subscription fee. A completed PS Form 5541, Pickup Service Statement, is required for each scheduled pickup. (Print from usps.com/forms.)   Shipment is not available during the week of the scheduled pickup/delivery date. A completed PS Form 5541, Pickup Service Statement, is required for each scheduled pickup. (Print from usps.com/forms.) Pickup Fee Payment Options:.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Usps pick up package at post office

Instructions and Help about Usps pick up package at post office

Everybody, today I worked from home and I decided to do a USPS pickup. What I did was turn labels off online and stick them on my porch, where the mail will come and pick them up. I will show you how I did that. Earlier, this morning, I scheduled a porch pickup because I couldn't make it to the post office. I had to work from home and I had the kids with me, so I couldn't leave the house. Now that they're napping, I scheduled a pickup at my house, specifically on my porch, as you saw earlier. The good thing about this service is that they come to your house, but the bad thing is that you have to schedule it the day before, up until 2:00 a.m. on the same day, to get a pickup for that day. For example, I scheduled this pickup last night. You put the number of packages and fill in all the necessary information. Then, you have until 2:00 a.m. on the same day to make changes if needed. So, if you want to schedule a pickup for the next day, you have to do it at least a day prior. You can't schedule it on the same day after 2:00 a.m. To set up this service, first, go to usps.com, sign in using your username, and go to the "Mail and Ship" option. Then, scroll down to "Schedule a Pickup." Enter your address and hit "Check Availability." If it says that the service is available at your address, that's great. You can also indicate whether there is a dog at your address, but it doesn't really make a difference, unless you keep your dog outside. In that case, it lets the mail carrier know to be aware of the dog. Next, you select...