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How long does usps forward mail after change of address Form: What You Should Know
How long is mail forwarding? — USPS Changing Address Who is the USPS Moving Forwarder, and What are their services? Who is the USPS Moving Forwarder, and What do they do? Do I have to have a Moving Contract before I can take advantage of USPS Moving Forwarding? If I am moving temporarily but not permanently, what are the costs to do the mail forwarding? What kinds of items can I mail through USPS Moving Forward How much will an average move cost through the USPS moving forward service? USPS Mail Forwarding — How Does it Work? USPS Mail Forwarding: What is it All About? USPS mail forwarding is a tool USPS offers to help customers take advantage of moving or temporary changes of address requirements. It is also referred to as “Permanent forwarding” or “Mail Forwarder”, “Moving Forwarder” or “Reverse Lending”. Moving Forwarding is a free service provided by the United States Postal Service. It is available to you through your local USPS sorting or forwarding facility. It costs nothing to move your mail if you are not located within a metropolitan area. However, if you reside, on average, in a rural area, you will be able to move your mail for free through USPS Moving Forwarding service if you have a valid mailing address and pay a forwarding charge to your local address. You can learn more about how to apply for a mailing address and how to use the USPS Moving Forwarding website from our FAQ page. USPS Mail Forwarding: What Are the Costs? Once you have completed a new mailing address, you will be charged a fee by the USPS Moving Forwarder to move your mail. The fee is an additional service fee. It is usually a very small percentage of the cost of moving your mail. Most people can receive free or reduced moving service from the USPS, based upon the following factors: a) The size of the envelope being moved. b) If it is a single piece of mail (postcards), how many pieces could potentially fit in a piece box. c) Your mail size. (larger than USPS Mailers' standard piece size). d) If it is a piece or set of mail, it could be a separate envelope or box as opposed to being placed in a flat postage tray. If you are interested in receiving free or reduced moving mail service, please go to our FAQ page for more information and questions related to moving.
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